Called to Serve

Called to Serve

Monday, November 28, 2016

2nd Week in Australia

Hello all!
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! It's not a holiday in Australia but some people celebrate it anyway because its such a big thing in America. The Clarkes (the senior missionaries in Canberra) got permission to put on a thanksgiving dinner for us on Friday (Thursday in America), right after our zone training meeting (ZTM). They are the best! Elder Clarke reminds me of my dad, its the best. The pies weren't as good as my mom's but it was still amazing. I'm excited were getting into the Christmas season! Has everyone seen the Christmas service initiative on go watch it! I'm so pumped. They give you a different ideas for service every day until Christmas so we can LIGHT THE WORLD like Christ did. We're sharing it with everyone we see. I also really liked a training we got from Sister Rollins and Sister Mariner, the sister training leaders at ZTM. They talked about how the main question this season is: "are you ready for Christmas?" meaning do you have everything planned out and gifts ready? But the question should be: "Are you ready for the coming of the Savior of the world?" Christmas is about Him so we should be preparing for Him. I invite you all to think of what you can do better to be ready for His coming. Some of the things I thought of to do are:
-give thanks more often
-serve others before myself
-forgive always
-smile more
I know that this season will be even happier and more meaningful if we are preparing for Him to come again.

We had lots of opportunities to give service this week. We cleaned this one sister's house that was really messy. She struggles with mental illnesses and her kids are addicted to video games. I feel really bad for them every time we visit. It made me really grateful for all that I have. Serving always makes me feel good, and hopefully them as well.

I started driving this week! I'm still getting used to driving on the wrong side of the road. I hit the windshield wipers instead of the turn signal at least once a day, but I'm getting better at it. 

The work here is going pretty good. We have a lot of less actives in our wards so we spend a lot of time visiting and strengthening them. We had a sports night the other night with the missionaries in our district, our investigators, and some members. It was really fun. Our investigator Wyman came. He is so good. He is the one who said that he wanted to learn about what we were teaching when we were talking to someone else on the street. He has a baptismal date for January 7th! We had to pass him over to the Chinese elders though because he doesn't know English well enough to fully understand when we teach.

I am getting to know the ward members of both wards better now so things are good. I spoke on how the Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ and why that's important in the Ginninderra ward on Sunday. I’m glad I was given that prompt because  I learned a lot about how everything in the Book of Mormon was written by a prophet for the purpose of bringing us closer to Christ and guiding us on our journey back to him. The book of Mormon is so important. By reading it everyday, we can get closer to God than by any other way or book. God wants us to read it so that we can know how to get back to Him someday.

I'm thankful I get to be out on a mission. It is hard being so far away from home sometimes, but it is such a blessing to be able to meet the people I am meeting and help improve the quality of people's live by helping them come unto Christ.

Sister Pace

1: Sister Rollins, who leaves next week :(
2. the huge spider that lives right outside our flat

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